MOVR Price: $8.12 (+0.02%)
Gas: 3.3 GWei


Related labels Tokens (2)
$ROME aims to be a reserve currency of Kusama & Polkadot.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x3718bC43...31BC8f685 RomeDAO: Conscription0 MOVR28,381
0x5BCF9C0A...9F471f28e RomeDAO: Distributor0 MOVR5
0x697a2475...36DE2b9B1 RomeDAO: Redeem Helper0 MOVR3
0x59FceceC...bac9d771D RomeDAO: Rome Authority0 MOVR7
0x3b5bbC9d...4770c20FD RomeDAO: Rome Bonding Calculator0 MOVR1
0x4a436073...Ad473d9d6 RomeDAO: ROME Token0 MOVR60,154
0x06558860...4Ca51ad8A RomeDAO: ROME/FRAX Bond Depository0 MOVR28,122

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