MOVR Price: $17.10 (+1.05%)
Gas: 3.13 GWei
A total of 125,629 blocks Collator
Block Txn Collator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward Burnt Fees (MOVR)
92732122024-12-01 16:13:2413 mins ago17330696040Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92730882024-12-01 16:01:0026 mins ago17330688600Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92730262024-12-01 15:54:4832 mins ago17330684880Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92729782024-12-01 15:50:0037 mins ago17330682000Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92729392024-12-01 15:46:0641 mins ago17330679660Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92728662024-12-01 15:38:4248 mins ago17330675221Paradoxx
1,282,176 (2% | -96%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.001603 (99.90%)
92727022024-12-01 15:22:001 hr ago17330665200Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92725092024-12-01 15:02:301 hr ago17330653500Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92724762024-12-01 14:59:121 hr ago17330651520Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92723992024-12-01 14:51:301 hr ago17330646900Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92723432024-12-01 14:45:541 hr ago17330643540Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92723322024-12-01 14:44:481 hr ago17330642880Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92721272024-12-01 14:23:482 hrs ago17330630280Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92721142024-12-01 14:22:302 hrs ago17330629500Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92719022024-12-01 14:00:542 hrs ago17330616540Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92718302024-12-01 13:53:302 hrs ago17330612100Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92717122024-12-01 13:41:362 hrs ago17330604961Paradoxx
1,941,760 (3% | -94%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.002427 (99.90%)
92715432024-12-01 13:24:123 hrs ago17330594520Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92715192024-12-01 13:21:483 hrs ago17330593081Paradoxx
450,240 (1% | -98%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0.00092 MOVR0.000563 (37.88%)
92715162024-12-01 13:21:303 hrs ago17330592901Paradoxx
21,000 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000026 (83.33%)
92713532024-12-01 13:05:003 hrs ago17330583000Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92712192024-12-01 12:51:183 hrs ago17330574780Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92706232024-12-01 11:49:304 hrs ago17330537700Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92705602024-12-01 11:42:484 hrs ago17330533680Paradoxx
0 (0% | -100%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0 MOVR0.000000 (0%)
92705562024-12-01 11:42:244 hrs ago17330533441Paradoxx
744,016 (1% | -98%)
60,000,0001.25 Gwei0.00175 MOVR0.000930 (34.63%)
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